All About Pet Microchipping: Benefits & How-to

Imagine this, your beloved pet slips out the door and gets lost. You search high and low, post on social media, and put up missing posters, but you can’t find your furry friend anywhere. Sounds like a nightmare, right? Well, luckily, there’s a way to significantly increase the chances of reuniting with your lost pet: microchipping. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the world of pet microchipping, discussing its benefits, how it works, and how you can get it done for your pet. So, sit back, relax, and let’s dive in!

What is Pet Microchipping?

Pet microchipping is a procedure in which a tiny, rice-sized chip is implanted beneath your pet’s skin. This chip is encoded with a unique identification number and can be scanned and read by a special device. When your lost pet is found and scanned, the microchip provides your contact information, making it possible to reunite you with your beloved companion. Microchipping is a quick, simple, and relatively painless process comparable to a standard vaccination.

Benefits of Microchipping

The benefits of microchipping your pet are numerous. Let’s go over some of the main advantages to consider:

  • Permanent Identification: Unlike collars and ID tags, which can be removed or become lost, microchips are a permanent form of identification. This means that even if your pet loses his collar, the microchip will still be there to help you reunite with your furry friend.
  • Higher Recovery Rates: Studies have shown that microchipped pets have a significantly higher chance of being reunited with their families than those without chips. In fact, a study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association found that microchipped dogs were returned to their owners 52% of the time, compared to just 22% for dogs without microchips. For cats, the numbers are even more staggering: microchipped cats were returned to their owners 38% of the time, while non-chipped cats were returned only 2% of the time.
  • Peace of Mind: With a microchip in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that if your pet gets lost, there’s a much greater likelihood of being reunited. This is particularly valuable for those with pets who are known to escape or roam.

How to Get Your Pet Microchipped

Getting your pet microchipped is a simple and straightforward process. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Consult with your veterinarian: Your pet’s regular vet is a great place to start. They can discuss the benefits of microchipping, provide information about the process, and help you make an informed decision. Many veterinary clinics, including Little Rock veterinary clinic, offer pet microchipping services on-site.
  2. Choose a microchip brand: There are several different brands of microchips, each with their own features, such as extra security or an anti-migration design. Your veterinarian will be able to offer recommendations based on your pet’s specific needs and circumstances.
  3. Register your pet’s microchip: Once your pet has been chipped, it’s important to register the microchip with the company or database associated with the chip. This way, your contact information will be linked to the chip, and you can update your details if necessary. Be sure to keep your registration up-to-date!

Cost and Aftercare

The cost of microchipping can vary depending on your location and your veterinarian’s fees. On average, pet microchipping can range from $25 to $50. The registration fee is typically a one-time charge, and there are no ongoing fees necessary for maintaining your pet’s microchip.

As for aftercare, there’s not much you’ll need to do beyond making sure your pet’s microchip registration is up-to-date. Microchips are designed to last the lifetime of your pet, so you won’t need to worry about replacing it.

Additional Pet Services to Consider

Beyond microchipping, there are other services you may wish to consider for your pet’s overall well-being. These include:

Cat Microchipping

Microchipping is not just for dogs! Cat microchipping is just as crucial as it is for dogs, considering that cats are notorious for getting themselves into tight spots and sometimes not returning home for days. Microchipping provides an additional layer of security for cat owners in these situations.

Dental Services for Pets

Oral health is an essential aspect of your pet’s overall wellness. Regular dental checkups and cleanings are a vital part of maintaining your pet’s teeth and gums. Dental services for pets can help prevent issues such as plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease, which can lead to more serious health problems if left untreated.


In conclusion, pet microchipping is an essential step in ensuring your pet’s safety and increasing the likelihood of reuniting with them if they ever get lost. With its numerous benefits and minimal drawbacks, microchipping is a no-brainer for responsible pet owners who want to safeguard their furry friends. So, go ahead and consult with your veterinarian about microchipping your pet today – you’ll be glad you did!

